GUCCI GIRL was an attempt to sensitise the audience towards women, their physiological and emotional needs. Women have always been 60% more prone to anxiety/depression than men.
you ask me why? HORMONES
starting from puberty, women struggle with their bodies and minds, which is constantly changing and there is an entire CYCLE to it!
So the next time your girl's losing her mind, buy her an ice cream rather questioning her or your self or the Deity for her bad behaviour.
The installation included a Bathtub filled with resin that was visually perceived as fluid menstrual blood but was absolutely solid to touch.
Nothing was drippy or slimy or gooey, sometimes you've got to take a leap of faith on the Artist!
There were a few 'objects of scrutiny' embedded in the bloodbath that demanded special attention from the audience. The Bathtub was kept on a white mat, shaped into a generic sanitary napkin.
and if you're smart enough to guess what I'd look if I stuck you on the ceiling, you'd know the purpose of this installation.
The dialogue was political since high GST rate on sanitary napkins was getting to me, it meant millions couldn't afford basic sanitation.
This is when chauvinism hits the brim and your boyfriend refuses to understand you got issues, ha?
Indian Government was facing a nationwide brawl from not just Artists, but journalists and women from all facets of the society.
The installation(GUCCI GIRL) was exhibited in the month of February 2018, On 21 July, the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council decided to change the GST rate on sanitary napkins from 12% to zero.
It's now safe to say, efforts didn't go futile. Always a good feeling to win a fight! Scroll ahead to know everything about the entire installation, live survey, news mentions and audience reaction!

A Woman's needs can vary, weekly

Bathing is necessary, it's important. Bathtubs are NOT!
It's ok to tax Gucci, not Sanitary napkins!
There is a thin line between necessities and luxury. If you ask me the line is pretty thick.
The installation aimed at making this line a bit more significant so people could differentiate between the two.

People were asked to place their opinions on these objects and choose what they thought was necessary for women and what's not.
3 out of 16 women thought tasers are not important. (with the rising number of assaults and rapes in our country I think tasers could really help, perhaps most women did not know what tasers are really, like all of the men who took the survey)
sanitary napkins: 7/10 men said its necessary, 16/16 women said it's necessary
Bra: 9/10 men said it's unnecessary, 9/16 women said it's necessary
tampons: 6/10 men said tampons are important,12/16 women agreed that tampons are important
bath bombs: none of the guys knew what bath bombs are(legit), 5/16 women said bath bombs are essential
razors: none of the guys said razors are important(bliss),7/16 said razors are necessary
waxing strips: 2/10 guys said its important, 5/16 said waxing strips are necessary
birth control pills: 9/10 men said birth control pills are essential( Really? Researches have proved that birth control pills available for men are 10 x safer to use than it is for women, every year millions of women undergo abortion and are victimised by these pills that further play up their perpetually unstable hormones, its a crime, use condoms!), 12/16 women also agreed to it (Ladies, please get educated!)"GIRL DON'T POP IT LIKE IT'S POPCORN"
Condoms: 9/10 men said yes to condoms, 14/16 said yes to condoms
Dildo: 3/10 men said yes to dildos, 6/16 women said yes to dildos
Panties: 3/10 men said no panties, 16/16 said panties are essential
Gucci: Only 1 woman out of all the people said Gucci is important (we all know "the type")
Understanding women has been a herculean task. Understanding their issues, tougher.

I'd like to thank everyone for being a part of this!!