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Wikimedia Foundation launched #KnowWithWiki campaign to promote access and sharing of free knowledge to Gen-Z by collaborating with Indian Influencers.


Role: Designed Campaign's visual identity including Moodboarding, Logo Unit, fonts, colour palette, key visual, video production and campaign posters.


The tone of the design was set to the likeability of the new generation of India, which makes it easier for them to connect on some serious topics and issues that were being talked about.

23+ Million Views

“Wikipedia's approach towards connecting with young Indians through content creators is not just clever, but also a super practical way to further their core proposition of knowledge sharing.”

- Mad Over Marketing


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Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 3.55.00 PM.png
Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 4.06.40 PM.png

Color Palette

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Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 4.31.43 PM.png

Campaign Poster

wikipedia poster-01.png

Campaign Posts / Influencer Reels

Body Positivity

History of Cricket

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